Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catching Up

I am still working out. At the beginning of this year (2011) I started doing P90X. I now do two workouts a day and I have lost a NET 65 pounds since I started in January of 2010. I feel really good, at least physically, and am becoming much stronger. I really recommend P90X. Tony Horton has a good attitude about the program, is realistic in how people should approach it, and he's pretty funny to watch.

My daughter has just recently started P90X too and I hope she continues so that she can improve her health too. My son got me interested in this and he is continuing the program also.

My mother's Alzheimer's is getting much worse and she has had to move to a new rest home because the old one couldn't handle patients with her level of severity. The issue now is that her behavioral problems are increasing and she's becoming a problem child in the new facility. This is, of course, stressing out my sister and I and it's very sad to see our mother going downhill so fast, and so far. We'll have to see what happens.

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