Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thoughts Like Molasses

In the late 70's I went on a long vacation out west. While in Tucson, I had the opportunity to get a job with a camping outfitter. Now, my dream, my fantasy in life was to move out west to live. I did not take the job. "Why not you moron?" You may rightly ask. The answer was a woman. I was in a very deep relationship with a girl and I refused the job to come home and be with her. Less than a month later, we had a very ugly break-up when I found out I was only one of several guys she was very adeptly juggling. That was a great heartache, and incredibly angering all at the same time. It tainted my relationships for several years after that. So, I blew my chance at my dream, and dumped the two-timer who broke my heart. A really rotten summer.

Before that though, one of the fun things about travelling by myself was the opportunity and chance to have some very interesting intimate encounters. I didn't spend all my time looking for them, but, if they presented themselves, I was hardly the one to turn them down. I met some really nice people and had some very nice encounters. I helped a girl in Colorado on a rather chilly morning whose car had stalled. The help was genuine and I had no other motives in the assistance than to help. Afterwards, when it was obvious the car had breathed it's last, she invited me in to warm up a bit and, after getting to know each other a bit, she "rewarded" my help. I met a really nice person in the Grand Canyon who was a waitress there. We talked for a while as she was getting off work and she and I decided to hike into the canyon together the next day. It was a fun day. She was a great person. Wonderful personality and sense of humor. Smart and sexy. We snuck off the path several times to enjoy ourselves. On another Grand Canyon trip, I met a girl while hiking in the canyon. We talked for a while just exchanging general information. She was going "up" as I was headed "down." I gave her my cabin number and half-jokingly told her to drop by later. I expected never to see her again. My surprise. She dropped by and spent the night.

Travel can be very rewarding.

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