Sunday, April 27, 2008

Captain Nemo Loves to Read

Yes, it's been a couple of months. I told you this would be random.

Writing has always been a strange thing for me. I like to write, but, not all the time. The spirit needs to move me. I took writing classes in high school and college and I could write for assignments and get good grades. But I did not always like what I wrote when forced into it. I write my best when I need too. That sounds weird but it is true. Occasionally things come into my head and I am just compelled to write. The thought and the words hammer at me relentlessly until I put them to paper. At other times, it's just a hobby and a fun diversion. This blog falls into the second category.

I keep copies of what I write and someday I may decide to publish the short stories as part of this blog. We'll see.


In high school, Joe and I had a fascination for language, and the way people killed it every chance they got. We eventually started keeping track of really great sayings, and really great killings, of the language by people we knew. By our senior year, the "Quote Book" was getting rather lengthy and, with a bit of horror, we realized it was almost becoming an obsession. We decided to give it a proper sendoff and be done with it. A burial at sea sounded like a good choice for our endeavor. So, Joe found a large mason jar and we folded up the "Quote Book" and placed it inside. We added gravel to fill any extra air space and make it quite heavy. Joe then used wax and other stuff to completely seal the jar. We then took it out to the end of a large pier on the lake near our homes, and, after giving a proper eulogy, we heaved the thing as far as possible into the non-briny deep.

Sometimes I think about ti and wonder what really happened to it. Was it destroyed during some storm and the book turned into just so much lake litter? Was it buried intact so that some future civilization may one day uncover our tribute to weird English? Did aliens steal it as proof that no intelligent life lives on the planet? Who knows.

One of the best quotes in there was Joes. He was talking about something one day and he suddenly announced, "Hey, I've just come down with an idea." Imagine, an idea being something like an infection or an virus. You come down with a cold, a flu, or some other malady. Joe comes down with ideas. It was great.

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