Wednesday, June 6, 2007

On the Siding

Strange as it may seem by the name, I am also a strong supporter of martial arts.  I am webmaster and actually host several sites for local schools. I have been a student of both Tae Kwan Do - Tang Soo Do and Shotokan Karate.  I like the basic philosophy, the respect and discipline, and the great physical exercise.  I have a deep respect and friendship with several of my Sensei and consider those some great lifelong friendships. However, I will say to all of the martial arts organizations out there that I am very disappointed by the fragmentation of martial arts.  Just like in the old warrior days, every school, every organization, every teacher seems to consider his/her little fiefdom as some sacred domain.  If one is a member of one organization you can't be recognized by another.  If I practice one style I will be admonished if I go somewhere else to practice another.  Yet, martial arts schools complain about not having enough people to pay the bills.  When will all the martial arts organizations realize that it is to their advantage, and a boon to the students, to combine their efforts and end the petty bickering over kingdoms. Just because the orientals did it 150 years ago doesn't mean it is a good thing, or a relevant thing, in today's world.  Remember, they used to kill each other over this crap. You may be just killing yourselves. Why don't you get together and do something to help all of the martial arts students, and potential students, instead of stroking your own egos? I bow and leave.

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