Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hoppin' the Freight

I question why I'm doing this.  Mine is an ordinary life and I've always thought it is fairly self-centered for all of these people to be out on the internet chronicling every second of their dull lives. I don't intend to do that here.  I'm not going to whine about doing yardwork or report how I feel every 15 minutes.  This blog will be added to randomly.  I've had some interesting experiences in my life, and known some interesting people, and I'd like to relate those stories and talk about those people here.  Also, I am fairly opinionated about the current level of stupidity and arrogance in the US at this time and I plan to speak my mind as the spirit moves me.  If I review this at some point and think, "What an ass I am," that will be the end of it.  If I think I'm leaving something someone may enjoy, other than a minute by minute account of the last time I took a crap, I'll continue and leave it.  We'll see.  

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