Saturday, March 13, 2010

Misc Parts

I've already talked about the hoboes and Steamtrain Maury. I now understand that his wife Wanda is in a rest home and at death's door. I will have to keep up to see what's going on.

When I was small I wrote a bunch of books for other children about a bunch of silly characters. I may publish some of those soon. My niece in England is very creative and she is also writing children's stories. I have copies of some of them. We are buddies and I encourage her to be as creative as she wants to be.

I decided at the start of the year that I was really tired of being overweight and feeling bad and began a new exercise regimen. I have officially lost 20 lbs, a good start, but I have a goal and it is a long way to that goal. But I am very encouraged and highly motivated to do this for ME and I will keep plugging away.

My mom is now in a rest home (Alzheimers) and she had a lot of hand written family tree stuff. My wife's mom had a bunch for her family. So I got some family tree software and started contacting people and putting info in from the papers. It is going well and there are now close to 1000 individuals in the tree going back (in one line) 28 generations to the 1100's. Will have to see how this pans out. I've already told everyone when I am done I will export a GEDCOM file from it all and give everyone a copy.

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