Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Social Nut-Working

25 years ago, if I wanted to contact someone I knew, I had three choices. I could call them on the phone, mail them a letter, or drive over and see them. Today I have those same three choices ... plus ... cell phone, email, three different instant messaging accounts, texting, and Skype. However, apparently that is not enough ways to let people annoy me. My kids have been pushing for me to create a FACEBOOK page so I have. In the short time my page has been active, I have found out, by reading many of the posts I see, that many people have a highly inflated sense of self-importance. They somehow feel that, by posting on an internet board, they and everything they do is interesting to the world. Um .......... poppycock!!!!! The kind of crap I swore I would not do with this blog in my first post, is exactly what most people seem to be doing with Facebook. Why do people think it is important or interesting to tell people they are waking up, or going to sleep, or going to the mall, or that they are annoyed by the weather? My initial reaction to that stuff is, WHO CARES? I will leave the page up and I will post when I think I have things to say, but all of this time and energy-wasting drivvel may drive me off the scene in a short time. When I created the page, my son welcomed me to "the dark side" and promised cookies. It may take more than cookies to keep me interested in the "dork side." I'll give it a chance, though. For a while.

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