Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sand Under the Wheels

It's been a long and busy year so far and I haven't had much time to devote to this blog. Went on a father/daughter vacation to Arizona late in the spring which was wonderful. This was my daughter's idea. When my kids were younger, we would go on family vacations every couple of years. In between, I would alternate taking short vacations with my kids. Long weekends and such to places within a day or so driving distance. We always had a blast. My daughter approached me last year about doing one last father/daughter vacation before she got too old and moved out permanently. We planned it out and did one hellacious trip all through Arizona. Not surprisingly, my son approached me about doing the same thing (without knowing daughter had asked first). So we are trying to plan a father/son somewhere out west next year. I got my traveling genes from my mom and I can plainly see they were passed along to my kids. I have lots of great stories and adventures from my early travels, but, my kids don't seem to believe them until they see them firsthand. I can't tell you how many times during our vacation my daughter told me "oh my god, you weren't kidding." Tickles my heart. She has a whole new appreciation for desolation after driving from Carlsbad to El Paso. That's it for now. I may post one of my writings soon ...... just because I can.

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