Friday, January 6, 2012

The Path to a Good Life

To my religious friends.

Do you want to know how to live a good life? The answer is in your Bible, but it's damn tough to find in all of the wordy nonsense. I know, I know, your religion(s) have taught you that athiests and agnostics are worse than rapists and murderers, that we never look at a Bible or think about God, we don't know what religion can do to save us, and we are probably out stealing neighborhood pets and children for Satanic sacrifices. Well, just like 99.9999999% of everything else religion has told people over the millenia, that's another lie. There is some truth in the Bible, but it is perverted and buried amid mounds of stinking religious self-servance and interminably conflicting stories and parables. Not to mention tons of questionable history. In reality, the Bible does not need to be a big book with which religious people can bash others, the whole thing could be condensed to an index card.

The way to live a good life can be found in your ten commandments. Not all of them, though, You have to discount and throw away all of the religious threats and nonsense that was added by religious leaders to better enslave their flocks with fear. It is found in the other commandments. I don't even know why they had to have ten. If you look at all of the other commandments, they all distill around three simple rules. The rules for how to live a good life. Want to know what they are?

(1) Love, respect and honor your family
(2) Love, respect and honor others as though they were your family
(3) Live peacefully. Do not cause others any intentional harm whether physical or emotional.

That's it folks. Nothing difficult about that or any need to shroud it in threats of eternal damnation and other religious hullabaloo. Don't need special buildings for it full of people in strange clothes who make you feel guilty and inadequate. Don't need to bleed people of every dime they make so you can fill those buildings with gold and silver statues and huge pipe organs. Don't have to dress up for it so you can try to impress others. No special songs or ceremonies. No hats. No cups. No special wine or wafers. No reason or need to denegrate and condemn others. No reason for crusades, or to burn anyone at the stake. No need to invoke mass murder in anyone's name. Just simple and efficient rules for a good life.

Put this on a card, have it laminated, and look at it every day so you don't forget and you will live a good life.