Thursday, January 27, 2011

Social Nutworking - Final Grade

After a little more than a year on Facebook, I give social networking a D+. It would have gotten an F but I did reconnect with some "lost" friends and family which was a positive experience. However, I also had to cut off and disconnect from many people. I have come to realize that the "promises" of social networking are just empty buzz in most cases. People really don't want real conversation and discourse. All they want is a forum so they can spout and feel superior to others. If you actually post contrary arguments or question them they turn into angry bullies and try to denegrate and humiliate you to put themselves back up on their imagined throne. There are a lot of people out there who fall into the category of social networker that I feared all along, the "neurotic with no self image" who only feels alive when they can post every little thing they do in their entire pathetic lives and wait for people to respond to validate them. The worst of these is the "unknown questioner." These are people who post stupid bits like "this is horrible," with no other information, in an attempt to see how many people respond in order to feel important because "X" number of people are apparently waiting by their computers for any word from these conceited neurotics. The other big annoyance are the people who post crap and then INSIST everyone repost it. Who .... bloody .... cares. If you really want to make a difference, get out of your house, away from your computer, and volunteer and help. Posting some shit on Facebook doesn't change or help anything. But for those few who actually want to keep in touch with each other and want real conversation, the medium is a very nice way to do it .... as long as you can get over the fact that Facebook itself considers you, and everything about you, and everything about anyone you know or have contact with, as sources of revenue and don't give a crap whether they spread your information from here to the spammers of Russia. So ..... that's my final grade. I will keep using Facebook to keep in touch wit ha handful of good friends and family. For everyone else. You can have each other. Why aren't most of these people in therapy?