Saturday, July 7, 2007

World of Death

I was accosted at work recently by a Vegan who took exception to my wife and I going out for a great steak dinner on our birthdays. She preached about how superior she was over us because she had become a Vegan. She said she no longer had to kill to survive. Nor was she supporting an industry of cruelty and death. After I laughed at her, which seemed to annoy her for some reason, I asked her when she had become Vegan. She said about a year ago. I then told her if she had survived for a year after her miraculous conversion then she was still killing to survive. All she had done was substitute one form of killing for another and one form of industrial food packaging for another. She decided to only kill plants and bacteria to survive, rather than macro-visual sized animals. That got me thinking.

This is a world of death.

It's not a political statement or a religious threat, it's just fact. Life and death are inextricably entwined. No creature in this world can survive and live without the deliberate killing of others. Not one. Anyone who thinks they have beaten this system simply because they have stopped eating macro-visual meat products is simply deluding themselves in order to place themselves above others and exert their perceived "superiority." There are millions of species of animals, plant, molds, bacteria, etc on this planet and they are all living things. In order to survive you must kill, or pay someone else to kill, something. Vegetarians and Vegans simply substitute killing plants, molds, and bacteria for killing large animals. The superiority they feel over those of us who still eat as nature intended is in their own mind.

Some people have gone to vegetarian diets because of allergic or digestive issues with meats. That's fine. That's a medical reason, not a mental reason. My beef (pun intended) is with the hypocritical morons who make the choice simply so they can hold themselves in high esteem among others. Arrogant fools, all. There is even a Hindu sect that uses soft brooms to sweep in front of themselves so they don't step on or kill any insects. They believe they are superior because they don't kill anything. Then they cut down some wood and build a fire and kill more plants for nourishment.

Life is not "sacred." If life was preserved for all, all would die.

The natural cycle of this world is that you must kill to live. Natural selection. The weak, old and sick are prey for the strong, young, and healthy. It's how the good genes propagate and species survive. The arrogant presumption of most people is that, as individuals, they are important and "special" and their lives are supposed to have meaning. Again, nothing but selfishness. Nature doesn't care about you as an individual. Groups live and survive because they cull other groups for sustinence.

Humans have hidden this killing behind industrial processes so they can feel "clean" about it, and have invented strange moral codes where they are supposed to try to preserve every human life regardless of the quality of that life or the effects on the lives of others. That code was simply created by people who used it to exert power and superiority over others. It is not the way the world works. Nature does not support that code nor subscribe to it.

We'll discuss the facism, arrogance, and danger of organized religion at another time.
Vegetarians and Vegans .......... get over yourselves .......... go have a good steak.